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Nutrition and Gut Health | Toronto Immune & Digestive Health Institute | Canada

Nutrition and Gut Health Services

Enhanced Nutrition Program for Optimal Digestive Health

The staff at TIDHI have recognized expertise in the integration of diet and the gut microbiome with health outcomes. We provide a scientifically-based, personalized nutrition program for the optimization of digestive wellness for all individuals and for those with special needs such as IBD, immune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis), chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), polyp and colon cancer prevention, and more. 


This program will be fully integrated into your medical history and supervised by a gastroenterologist. It can be accessed with or without a gastroenterology/medical referral. For regular patients of TIDHI, the nutrition program will be fully integrated into your medical history
and supervised by a gastroenterologist in partnership with registered dietitians and nutritionists that work with our Institute.


See our services here.

Enhanced Personalised Nutrition Program with Integration of Gut Microbiome Science for Digestive Health at TIDHI | Toronto Immune & Digestive Health Institute | Canada
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